Divine Hiddenness:

with good reason

a Christian response

Have you ever wondered; “Why doesn’t God, as the maximally perfect and all-loving being, just give EVERYONE, all humans throughout history, undeniable proof of His existence – including those who claim to be non-resistant nonbelievers?” – or something similar?

Hi! My name is Daniel and, well, that’s all… Feel free to just see me as a random Christian guy from the street or YouTube. Because ideally, I just want the theodicy answer in this book to speak for itself. 

My background and my credentials, who I am – is not important. What is important here, is that my Christian theodicy answer, can logically stand up to scrutiny on an internal biblical critique. Because that is the underlying demand behind the argument from Divine Hiddenness. 
- And in this book, I will answer the skeptic's academically strongest version of this argument against the Christian faith. 

Thanks to family, friends, acquaintances, and strangers who have helped me with this book. You know who you are! And to you who are reading this; I pray and hope that this little book will be worth your time.

Soli Deo Gloria!
- Daniel from DanielApologetics

Divine Hiddenness: with good reason

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